Fabio Milito

Fabio Milito

Visual artist/designer living and working in Rome (IT).
Works is based on icons manipulation, photo-abstraction, audio-visual on-print traduction.

Personal website: www.fabiomilito.com

About > Activities

Poster for Mika Vainio (Pan Sonic) Live • INIT club, Rome, 30/03/2012

portrait made with HiRes satellite photos of Connecticut(US) Year:2011

(This picture is provided in Extra high resolution)

portrait made with HiRes satellite photos of Connecticut(US) Year:2011

(This picture is provided in Extra high resolution)

Fabio Milito is now following Scott Oppenheim

Scott Oppenheim is an interactive designer living and working in Washington, D.C. When he is not busy designing interactive experiences for the web, he enjoys creating generative art as a hobby. He primarily uses Adobe's Flash, Illustrator, and Photoshop to create his art.

Abstract landscape from picture of diver. / Year: 2011
(This picture is provided in Extra high resolution)

Digital portrait from vintage picture of cigarette smoker.

portrait made with HiRes satellite photos of Enderby Land/Anctarctica

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